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About me:



Hello! I am a product designer with 19+ years of experience in 3D & 2D animation, visual effects, and motion graphics.

As a rule of thumb, my latest project is my best project -with the added experience of the previous project(s)!

I have accumulated knowledge in typography, design fundamentals, product engineering, 2D & 3D computer graphics, animation principles, AR & VR, and color theory, as well as a deep understanding of various file formats and delivery workflows used in VFX and postproduction.

Upwork Freelancer profile
Art station

Professional Experience: 


Idea Generation & Development

Pre-Visualization & Concept/Look Development

3D & 2D Product Visualization & Animation

Product Engineering & Prototyping


2D & 3D Product Visualization: Convert conceptual designs and CAD files into fully realized products with photorealistic renderings and promotions to visually communicate its functions, features, and component specifications serving a specific purpose for different stakeholders.


Game Assets, AR & VR Visualization: Designing, Modelling, Texture baking & preparing 3D assets for Games, Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality applications. 360° Exterior & Interior architecture VR visualization.

Visual Effects: 3D Modelling, Texturing, Lighting, Animation & Simulation, Rendering, 2D/3D Tracking, Green screen extraction, Rotoscoping, Matte painting, Matching CGI with Live-Action, Set Extension, Look Development, Video manipulation, Camera Projection & VFX Compositing, ​VFX Breakdown & On-set Supervision.

Motion Graphics: Broadcast Branding, On-air graphics, Channel Identity (signatures, menus, fly-ins, etc.), Logo Animation, TV Show packages (titles, bumpers, lower thirds, etc.), Trailers, Promotions & Documentaries.

Eslam Ghazy Product Designer

Contact me

Company registry number at the chamber of commerce in The Netherlands (KVK): 76799646

VAT: NL003116431B35

The World As I See It

The following are my original works

One of the most spiritually satisfying concepts I have come across in scientific literature is the Big Bounce Cycle—endless cycles of Big Bangs & Big Crunchs!

The Big Bang Theory is quite famous, the Big Crunch—the opposite of the Big Bang—is not nearly as well known, though I find it very satisfying.

The Big Bounce Theory, The Big Bang Theory, The Big Crunch Theory, and The Origin of life


According to psychology, physiology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, political science, computer intelligence, robotics, literary criticism, economics, history & religious studies:


"Humans live life through the lens of a story."

I first learnt about this from Dr. Jordan Peterson. ​​We live through stories shaped by religious and cultural narratives mostly determined by the time & place of our birth.

If anyone were born into a different religion or culture than the one they currently belong to, most people would adopt the story of that narrative rather than their current beliefs, as happens in most cases today. This doesn't mean that individuals can't change their beliefs or rebel against their culture, but statistically, the majority tend to stick with the inherited narratives.


Most people often mistake their inherited heritage for absolute truth, basing what feels "right" on the narratives passed down to them.


That's why nations & cultures with so much Pride and attachment to their own national identity & narratives turn out terrible for the whole world and for themselves. That's what's preventing many African and poor nations from developing because they are too attached to their inherited way of life.


It doesnt make sense to force a story on other people since it was given to us by chance in the first place. ​


If you or I were born Japanese, there is more than a 90% chance that we would not have moved out of Japan and would not have converted to an Abrahamic religion.

More Humility, and less Pride, would save the world a lot of unnecessary suffering.



The root of all evil is selfishness. The root of all good is selflessness.


The purpose of Human life is to live a Good Life...

Because GOOD is better than BAD.

The way to a good life starts with telling the truth—about ourselves and the world—and not lying.

Islam will never make Bangladesh or Somalia great.

Christianity will never make Armenia or Angola great.

Religion doesn't make a country great.

Leave religion out of the state.


Articulating my beliefs in my own words is like walking on solid ground.

It makes me more confident, stable, and less affected by trends & news.

Its one thing to believe in a common truth, and another thing to rephrase it in a way that resonates personally.




​Life is wild.

How come 100+ billion people (Homosapines) have lived and died up to this day, and we haven't settled on what happens after we die?


It happened 100 billion times and it’s not clear yet?


What happens after we die -to this day- is still left to personal beliefs.

That's pretty wild!​​​​



Sleep well (6-9 hours)

Eat whole foods (the less packaging the better)

Exercise weekly (do exercises you like)

Sums up more than 80% of the health advice on the internet.

Add viewing morning sunlight from Dr. Andrew Huberman, and you get the core of the 21st-century expert's wellness advice backed by modern science.

Basically an ancient recipe: sleep well, eat well, and play outside.


Humor seems to me as divine mercy to humankind to withstand the hardships of the human condition.

Sarcasm can bring instant relief to the most tragic events.

We laugh at our own flaws & mistakes. We laugh at life's unexpected turns. Laughter lightens our burdens. Standup comedians speak about hard things to live through but are funny when delivered with sarcasm. We laugh and keep moving forward. Laughter is resilience.

Humor is perhaps the best way to deliver uncomfortable truths.​​


​The best opportunities have a short window, they pop up and fade away quickly, either you catch them or let'em slip...

A split of a second window to pass the ball correctly to win a sports championship

A few seconds' window to say Hi to someone interesting and ask for their contact before they walk out of sight

A few minutes' window at the start of a deal to earn %20 more by negotiating a raise that would've taken days/weeks/months to earn

A few hours' window to seize the day before you fall asleep

A few weeks' window to learn a skill that can alter your career trajectory

A few months' window to workout consistently to transform your body

A few years' window to live a moral life to gain immortality in the kingdom of heaven... allegedly.


Opportunities are everywhere, will you capture them? or just let'em slip?


Today is the most important day of the year. It’s the only day of the whole year I can do something. It’s the only day I’m alive.


One thing I've noticed that helps me identify my genuine 'intuition' is that it must come to mind as my own thought, not as me impersonating someone else saying it, like a family member, friend, or someone I admire, they are not me!

For example, if I am choosing between 2 travel destinations, and I keep thinking about a friend recommending how good one is, then those thoughts aren't genuine, I'm literally imagining my friend saying how good it is, not me!

So whenever I hear a mentor, idol, 'prophet', 'God' or anyone saying something in my head, I don't take it as a genuine gut feeling and act on it, because I'm literally impersonating someone else and hearing them talking with their tone of voice, not me!

The more I rely on thoughts I say with my own voice that do not include any reference to someone else, the more I make choices that align with my true self.





Good intentions are seeds of courage.

Its easier to stand up for yourself when you're truly aiming for good.

Its easier to withstand people's judgment if you have no bad intentions.

Its easier to be bold when I'm saying what I think is true
What I think is true might be wrong indeed but I'm not lying

Its easier to be brave if you believe in God.

It's easier to face the whole world if you put God first.
Its easier to live on your own terms with little regard for culture and peer pressure if you believe in God and aim for good.


Lies burden the soul & occupy the mind, you have to remember what you say to keep up with the lies.

Not lying makes life easier because you don't have to remember any made up narratives, which clears the mind and doesn't weigh on the soul/heart/conscience.

If its too hard to tell the truth, at least don't lie and you will gain a hit of dopamine 'feeling good emotions' for not lying, if you understand and believe in its value.






A Quiet Mind is a prerequisite to paying attention.​

The more you think you know, the less you pay attention
The less you think you know, the more you pay attention
If you know nothing... then you would be paying full attention


Mindful listening = Stop adding thoughts of your own
Stop adding thoughts of your own = Calming your mind
Calming your mind = Controlling your mind
Controlling your mind = Controlling your world


Forgiveness can be used as a shield to block any guilt that might arise from the same situation.

Took me a while until I adapted the solution to stopping negative thought patterns or bad memories playing in my head, by NOT engaging with them or turning them into a dialogue.
The way out of replaying a negative memory is not adding another thought until I end it with satisfaction in my own way. Adding more thoughts is like scratching itchy skin and hoping the itching will stop.

The solution is to let it pass, which requires resisting the desire to add more thoughts.

Distraction, mindfulness, or saying a little prayer works for me. This becomes easier with time, and negative thought patterns become weaker and less frequent. There is science behind these strategies in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.​​​


​A lot of the creative process is stepping out of your own way and not trying too hard.

​​​​The best approach is adaptive. Hard to beat paying attention to the present and leveraging reality itself to your advantage.

One of the advantages of relocating to a new country is that it helps you detect what you were doing mostly due to peer pressure.

Even moving to a new city will help you see the actions & aspirations you wouldn't do if it were up to you.

Don't let keeping up with your peers' expectations make you forget to keep up with your own.


All the trouble I faced for being honest and transparent has been rewarded by a better understanding of myself and the world.
People have done me wrong, but God has done me right.
I'm grateful and blessed to have the capacity to live as my true self.

My career visualized,


The Egyptians, Led by Pharaoh Ramesses II, resisted Moses' call to monotheism to preserve their inherited polytheistic beliefs.

The Romans, urged by the Sanhedrin (Jewish judicial body), tortured and killed Jesus Christ to protect their inherited beliefs.

The Quraysh tribe in Mecca resisted Muhammad's teachings and went to war with him because it was a threat to their inherited polytheistic beliefs.

Those who blindly follow the religion they inherited would not have followed Moses, Jesus, or Muhammad if they were alive back then. They have the same mentality as the Egyptians, the Romans, and Quraysh. They would have fought the Prophets to protect their inherited beliefs.

Don't follow the crowd. Think for yourself.



​​​​​​How come modern-day Jews don't believe that Jesus is the true Messiah yet we literally live in the year 2025 SINCE JESUS was born? 

Do they understand the significance of resetting the humanity calendar to Zero, after the birth of one man?  

Do they think hundreds of thousands of churches—the most beautiful art & architecture in Europe—were built on false beliefs? Millions of churches around the world were built by mistake?

Of course not, most people don't think when it comes to their own religion. Only a few seek the truth without trying to prove inherited beliefs. ​​​​​​​


Who's more heroic, Superman or Batman?

I go with Batman because he is more human with no superpowers. There is more courage in facing bullets when you're not bulletproof.

Similarly, I think a Human Jesus who managed to ask for forgiveness for his perpetrators with his last breaths is more heroic than a Superhuman Jesus who gave up his divine powers to do it once.


Modern-day Muslims & Christians identify God from the past.

I identify God from everything around me, in the present.

There is nothing about God from the past that is not present today.​​​​


The scientific definition of Singularity, right before the Big Bang and at the center of black holes, is:

"Infinite Density and Zero Volume."
Can you imagine that? How can something Infinite be 0 in Volume?

Sounds stranger than fiction to me.
It only makes sense when I link it to the oneness of God.

The Universe started from a singularity, and it will end in a singularity (according to one scientific theory).
Why not consider Singularity a scientific definition of God?

Why not consider the Big Bang as the scientific explanation of God creating something from nothing?


My entire biology is God's work right there for me to feel connected to a higher power.

I have no control over my heart muscle or my blood circulation or anything happening biologically under my own skin, yet it's all working automatically. Wirelessly, God is making my heart beat its not me! I'm merely driving a borrowed body. I might give it back any day, I'm grateful for the gift of life.

The idea that God is one of the voices inside your head is A VERY DANGEROUS IDEA.

The notion that God is talking to me as "a few whispering 'good' thoughts" which people can differentiate from the +50,000 average thoughts per day, is a doorway to mistaking yourself for the Creator of the Universe.


We are not Prophets. God doesn't talk to us. That would be cheating, it would undermine the principle of free will. He has given us the choice to ignore his existence and do whatever the hell we want. Many do and die while doing so.


Our Mental Model of God—shaped by our beliefs, teachings, and reflections—whispers to us.


God is the source of Goodness at the end of my aim.
My aim is to live a good life, one day at a time.
A good day is marked by good deeds.

Good People

Good people make a solitary voluntary decision to pursue the truth in every situation, every day. This decision is visible in every interaction. Its not a coincidence. Its a way of life.

"We are what we repeatedly do, not what we rarely do.
The way we do one thing, is the way we do everything."

Good people pay attention to their surroundings and seek the truth that lingers in the air.

Bad people pay attention to their selfish desires and shy away from the truth in front of their eyes.


Just as light & shadow define the world
Dots & dashes form all letters in Morse code
0s & 1s in binary create all numbers and images
I see Truths & Lies as the binary code of Good and Evil.

Carl Jung said "The bigger the facade, the bigger the shadow."
The more lies, the more evil
The bigger the lies, the bigger the evil
The harder it is to say the truth in one room, the more evil in that room

The best people I've met can handle more truths about themselves and the world. The worst people I've met lie easily and repeatedly.



Traditions and clichés can be lame and cheesy because they belong to other generations. We are people too! We get to build our own culture and our own traditions, based on the reality we live in.

Women are the best thing about this world, men are the worst.

I've rarely seen a group of women—of any culture—roaming the streets of a city causing mayhem for the fun of it, and I've seen groups of men—of all cultures—doing it repeatedly just for the thrill. The fact that over 90% of the prison population is male should settle the debate—until that number is no longer a FACT.

The Red Pill & “The Matrix” unoriginal communities paint society and governments as evil, while most of the problems in this world are created by men:

  • Fortune 500 CEOs are approx. ≈90% men who predominantly control corporate power & big pharma

  • Political Leaders are mostly men shaping governments & policies

  • Financial & Military corruption happens mostly by men

  • Prison Populations are more than 90% men


A few extremely selfish men—who have a disproportionately huge impact on the world—are the problem, not women or the government. People at the top (≈90% of Billionaires & Millionaires are men) have the most influence on the global narratives of events. The world will heal when people at the top levels are mostly good people.


Lana and Lilly Wachowski—both transgender siblings—wrote and directed “The Matrix” which is the foundational narrative of modern masculinity & the Red Pill communities. Hilarious.​​​


​​​Revolutions are for pussies. Men blame themselves, not the world.

Men of character focus on their actions and responsibilities rather than attributing their hardships to the world or the Matrix.


Women were legally prohibited from voting until the 1900s all around the world.

The laws were backed by interpretations of religions and cultural beliefs.

Therefore the Meta-Lesson is:

Laws, interpretations of religions, and cultural beliefs can be wrong.


Service jobs > Office jobs
Healing the sick, preventing crime, or serving food with your bare hands is more humanly satisfying than clicking and hitting keyboard keys all day long.​​​



Life is wild. Death makes life wild and free.


​More than 100 billion people have died up to this day and what happens after we die is still left to personal beliefs, you might as well do whatever the hell you want to do in the meantime.

Another thing that helped me come to peace with death is remembering that millions of children—hundreds of thousands of innocent little girls with a human brain and nervous system just like mine—have died from drowning or burning to death, with all the thoughts and feelings that come with such experiences. 


The most innocent and fragile human being ever born—a 5-year-old little girl—has lived on this very Earth and died drowning or worse. If she experienced that, how could I run away from it? How dare I be afraid of dying of old age? How could I wish for a peaceful death and run away from enduring what children have endured?   

I can only be grateful for every day I have lived beyond millions of less fortunate people, in many cases merely children. Their early death made me braver. If they could bear it, so can I.

I couldn’t comprehend eternal hell until I drew parallels with the sadistic nature of BDSM and violent crimes.

“The notion of repeating a cycle of intense sensations that kill you, Only To Be Reborn And Experience It Again, might not seem too daunting for some insatiable dark souls.”

I believe those who ignore God & chase Extreme Intense Sensations (to the point of enjoying pain & hurting others) will go to hell for a while until they get enough of it.

I believe those who live by God & resist the temptations of such intense sensations (that harm others or themselves) will be rewarded with Holy sensations in the kingdom of heaven.


I believe I have all of eternity to visit family members and old friends whom I haven't seen in a while.

It's not that I don't care; it's that I truly believe in God and the afterlife.

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